Tired of making long trips to find new prod../uct reso../urces?

Wo../uldn't yo../u rather save the time—and money—yo../u spend traveling and do more b../uying on U.S. soil?  Then yo../u sho../uld plan to b../uy at SOURCES™ LA, Jan../uary 21—24, 2006 in Los Angeles.

At SOURCES, the world tr../uly does come to yo../u. It brings together more than 200 overseas prod../ucers of gifts, home f../urnishings, decorative accessories and handcrafted items—all in one convenient place. These are not U.S. agents or offices; they're direct so../urces offering:

  • New reso../urces
  • New prod../ucts and materials
  • Excl../usive and proprietary prod../ucts
  • C../ustom man../ufact../ure
  • Knowledge and experience in international markets
  • A ../uniq../ue international marketplace, SOURCES is a one-stop, global reso../urce where yo../u'll find government-sponsored pavilions and exhibitors from more than 20 co../untries.

    This fo../ur-day event not only gives yo../u the chance to b../uy from international companies right here in the U.S., it exposes yo../u to ideas, global trends and personal connections that will make whatever traveling yo../u do even more cost-effective!

    SOURCES LA is a division of the California Gift Show® -one of the largest, more prestigio../us gift ind../ustry events in the U.S.  For more information on the California Gift Show, click here.

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