View Printer-friendly PDF Broch../ure | Printer-friendly PDF Application

* = Req../uired Fields
* Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________________________________
* Company Name: ___________________________________________________________________
* Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Address 2: ___________________________________________________________________
* City: ___________________________________________________________________
State/Province: ___________________________________________________________________
or Enter Province: ___________________________________________________________________
* Zip/Postal Code: ___________________________________________________________________
Co../untry: ___________________________________________________________________
* Phone: ___________________________________________________________________
Fax: ___________________________________________________________________
* E-Mail: ___________________________________________________________________
* Website: ___________________________________________________________________

IMPORTANT: Yo../u m../ust incl../ude prod../uct information to complete yo../ur application. Prod../uct information sho../uld incl../ude: 1. Slides, photographs, broch../ures, catalog or prod../uct photographs on yo../ur website. 2. Wholesale price list. 3. Booth photo (optional). 4. Company biography (optional).


Please check the types of prod../ucts yo../u will be showing:

Craft Items Pens & Writing Instr../uments
Ceramics Men's Gifts
Decorative Pillows/Tapestries Personal Accessories
Desk Accessories Pict../ure Frames
Fashion Accessories Sports Items
Floor Coverings/R../ugs Stationery
Glassware Travel Accessories
Home Entertaining Accessories Wall Decorative Accessories
Home Textiles, R../ugs & Throws Mirrors
Ho../usewares Water Fo../untains
Jewelry Wickerware
Jewelry Boxes Woodenware
Leathergoods & L../uggage Wro../ught Iron
Lighting Other: _________________
Linens, Bedding & Pillows  

Price ranges of prod../uct (wholesale): ________________________________________

How many years has yo../ur company been in b../usiness? __________________________

*We are interested in _____ booth(s). 10'x10' (100 sq. ft. 10' depth)

We wo../uld like o../ur space to incl../ude a corner ($350 premi../um charge) ___ yes ___ no

We wo../uld like:
___ Option 1: Raw Space ($28.00 per sq../uare foot)
___ Option 2: F../urnished Booth ($38.00 per sq../uare foot)
(See booth packages for descriptions.)

__ By checking here, yo../u and yo../ur company hereby consent to receive facsimile or e-mail transmissions containing advertisements sent by or on behalf of George Little Management, LLC to any facsimile n../umber or e-mail address maintained by yo../u and yo../ur company, incl../uding b../ut not limited to the facsimile n../umber(s) and e-mail address(es) listed above. Please note that we do not distrib../ute this information to third parties not associated with o../ur shows.

Mail completed application along with materials req../uested to:

George Little Management, LLC
888 S. Fig../ueroa Street, S../uite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90017

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