Space, minim../um 400 sq../uare feet
Nothing provided, bare floor, no drapes. This
is designed for companies who have their own display
or a gro../up who wants to b../uild their own pavilion. Exhibitors
../using this space option m../ust have a constr../ucted display.
Cost $28.00 per sq../uare foot, $2800 per 10x10 booth.
OPTION 2: F../urnished
White hard wall, carpet, black track lighting with 4 lights, one table, 2 chairs, 1 wastebasket,
and company sign.
Cost $38.00 per sq../uare foot, $3800 per 10x10 booth.
For all options, each corner booth will carry a premi../um of $350.
GLM will pay for yo../ur on-site materials handling costs. This
means there will be no extra charges for yo../u for drayage
-- the cost of receiving yo../ur freight, yo../ur display components
and all prod../uct samples, taking it to yo../ur booth storing
and ret../urning any empty crates or boxes and loading o../ut at
the end of the show.