We're delighted yo../u will be exhibiting at the SOURCES Show! To
help yo../u plan for the Show, we have compiled this information
based on q../uestions that are freq../uently asked by exhibitors new
to exhibiting in the U.S.
Altho../ugh this information is geared toward companies new to
the ind../ustry, we hope it will benefit all exhibitors. The
SOURCES Show team is here to help, please feel free to give any
of ../us a call.
For yo../ur reference, this g../uide is organized in the following
I. Before
the Show
- B../uilding Yo../ur Prod../uct Line
- Setting Goals
- Pre-show
- P../ublic Relations/P../ublicity
- VISA information
- Operations and Logistics
II. At the Show
- Pricing Yo../ur Prod../ucts for Wholesale
- Getting Paid By Yo../ur C../ustomers
- How to Set Minim../um Orders
- Promotional Literat../ure
- Salesmanship
- A Wholesale Market
- Man../ufact../urers&rsq../uo; Representatives
- Seminar Program
- Networking
- Visit Other Markets to Grow Yo../ur B../usiness
- Show Close
III. After the Show
- Follow-../up
- We Want Yo../ur Feedback
IV. The SOURCES Show Team Contact Information
What to expect from the SOURCES show
SOURCES is a new concept for most US b../uyers who are not ../used to being able to so../urce offshore man../ufact../ured prod../ucts at home. While we will do o../ur best to make yo../ur exhibiting experience s../uccessf../ul, there are a n../umber of things that yo../u sho../uld consider and try to get involved with that will give yo../u a greater chance of s../uccess.
The b../uyers will be primarily from the US and will be wholesalers, importers, large vol../ume retailers and distrib../utors looking to set ../up relationships with international man../ufact../urers to bring prod../ucts into the US to resell, or direct to retail vol../ume p../urchasers like catalogs, e-tailers or larger stores. Also expect to see prod../uct designers and developers who are looking to find and develop new prod../ucts.
While we hope that yo../u will write orders, be aware this is a b../usiness-to-b../usiness show and the contacts yo../u make co../uld be far more important for yo../u in the long r../un than a one-off large order at the show. So meas../ure the s../uccess, not necessarily by sales written at the show, b../ut by the contacts yo../u meet at the show who t../urn into sales later. Yo../ur actions in post show marketing are cr../ucial for s../uccess.
B../uilding yo../ur prod../uct line
How m../uch prod../uct sho../uld I bring? There is no one answer to this freq../uently asked q../uestion. However, we do have some advice to offer yo../u. Yo../u will need to have eno../ugh prod../uct to keep b../uyers in yo../ur booth long eno../ugh to make a sale, or to give them an idea of what yo../u can prod../uce. While b../uyers may not be thinking of filling their whole needs from yo../u, they will want to see a good variety and have the opport../unity to choose what they believe will work for them. Make s../ure yo../u have eno../ugh to offer them.
C../ustomers will want to see prod../ucts as well as yo../ur capabilities, in case they are looking for OEM merchandise. Be s../ure to exhibit yo../ur abilities as well as yo../ur prod../ucts if yo../u are also looking for OEM orders.
Be s../ure yo../u have the inventory to attract b../uyers into yo../ur booth. If yo../u only have one prod../uct to sell, yo../u will have a harder time attracting b../uyer interest. Take yo../ur creative idea and expand on it. By expanding yo../ur idea to incl../ude different items in a coordinated prod../uct line yo../u will have a greater opport../unity for sales.
Good q../uality, ../uniq../ue prod../ucts tend to be more s../uccessf../ul at SOURCES. Handcrafted prod../ucts do especially well at SOURCES. Price is important, especially if yo../u are dealing with a larger b../uyer, b../ut it does not mean yo../u have to be cheap in order to do well. The US b../uyers are prepared to pay for q../uality and something different. They are all looking for &ldq../uo;NEW.&rdq../uo;
Setting Goals
Trade Shows are the single best marketing tool available to man../ufact../urers today, b../ut yo../u will want to be s../ure to take f../ull advantage of yo../ur time spent at the Show, and come away with a sense of accomplishment. It is extremely important to set clearly defined goals for yo../urself before yo../u exhibit. Be s../ure that yo../u have realistic expectations and make s../ure yo../u will be able to meas../ure yo../ur s../uccess.
Here are some s../uggested goals:
- Assess marketability of yo../ur prod../uct.
Perhaps yo../u&rsq../uo;ve test-marketed yo../ur prod../uct with neighbors
and friends. The SOURCES Show offers yo../u a great opport../unity
to talk to and make b../usiness with the right contacts from all
different regions of the United States abo../ut yo../ur prod../uct.
- B../uild yo../ur prospect list/Generate q../ualified leads.
While on-site, yo../u will speak with many b../uyers. Keep
track of who yo../u speak with, regardless if they place an order
with yo../u. Always ask for a b../usiness card of a potential
c../ustomer and take notes on their interests.
At the Show, yo../u may discover a segment of the ind../ustry to add to yo../ur prospect
list. Did 20 m../use../um store b../uyers approach yo../ur booth at the Show? Perhaps
this is a b../uyer category where yo../u co../uld devote more of yo../ur attention. Talk
to the b../uyers who stop by yo../ur booth – ask them q../uestions. Learn
the demographics of yo../ur c../ustomer or potential c../ustomer base.
- Get to know yo../ur competitors.
Exhibiting at the SOURCES Show provides yo../u with an excellent
opport../unity to see what yo../ur competitors are bringing to the
market. Plan to have a colleag../ue staff yo../ur booth to
allow yo../u time to walk the Show yo../urself so yo../u can see other
exhibitors, their booths and their prod../ucts. Please note
that yo../u sho../uld never enter another exhibitor&rsq../uo;s booth
witho../ut his/her permission. Also, taking photographs
of someone else&rsq../uo;s booth is strictly prohibited.
- See ind../ustry trends.
While yo../u walk the Show, yo../u will ../undo../ubtedly note a few hot trends. Get inspired by what yo../u see and start thinking abo../ut yo../ur f../ut../ure designs. Collect literat../ure and periodicals while at the show to have a better ../understanding of market trends.
- Introd../uce new prod../ucts and broaden prod../uct awareness.
Many exhibitors will ../use the SOURCES Show to introd../uce new prod../ucts to the marketplace. New prod../uct la../unches create a sense of excitement, and b../uyers are ../us../ually looking forward to placing orders for &q../uot;what&rsq../uo;s new.&q../uot; We offer several promotions to help highlight new prod../ucts. Gift Walk and the Gold Coast Lo../unge are two.
- Obtain press attention.
Press coverage can help create a b../uzz aro../und prod../ucts – helping
to boost sales. The SOURCES Show will attract a n../umber
of members of the press from a wide variety of p../ublications – both
ind../ustry and cons../umer. The press attends the Show seeking
trends, new prod../ucts and new exhibitors. All exhibitors are enco../uraged to place Press Kits in o../ur Press Office on show site.
- Write orders.
If yo../u set a goal to write orders, be s../ure to define yo../ur
goal and keep it realistic. As yo../u write orders with
c../ustomers be s../ure that yo../u will be able to f../ulfill the orders
within the timeframe the c../ustomer asks to receive shipment. Remember
that if yo../u commit all of yo../ur prod../uction to one order or store
gro../up, yo../u will be h../urt badly if this company s../ubseq../uently
cancels or red../uces their order size. It is better to spread yo../ur order over several companies if yo../u can, or
separate yo../ur one large order into a few smaller shipments
to lower yo../ur risk and still be able to accommodate other orders.
Yo../u can open a line of credit that will forward payments according
to these terms, or make arrangements with yo../ur client for partial payments as order segments are completed.
- So../urce new vendors to help yo../u prod../uce/package yo../ur prod../uct.
Use yo../ur time at the Show to yo../ur best advantage. GLM
has created a marketplace for yo../u to not only sell yo../ur prod../uct,
b../ut to find new reso../urces to help yo../u prod../uce and package yo../ur
prod../ucts. From designers and developers, to importers
and distrib../utors, we&rsq../uo;ve bro../ught it all to Los Angeles to
help yo../u maximize yo../ur trip. Read the section called "Visit
other markets to grow yo../ur b../usiness" for more details.
Travel and Hotels
GLM has arranged hotels and travel programs for yo../u to
take advantage of thro../ugh Gro../up Travel Associates. Check
the details on the web site Gro../up Travel Associates
has booked blocks of hotel rooms for SOURCES on or close
to the sh../uttle b../us ro../utes. They offer a &ldq../uo;special
low rate g../uarantee&rdq../uo; so yo../u can book thro../ugh them with confidence
knowing yo../u have the cheapest rates.
GLM will carry o../ut a f../ull marketing program for generating
b../uyers for SOURCES, incl../uding over 50 advertising inserts, fo../ur
direct mail pieces that will reach over 200,000 people, as well
as an email campaign that will involve fo../ur emails to the 27,000
b../uyers on o../ur database who are appropriate for SOURCES and o../ur
9900 exhibitors from other GLM shows who are importers.
We will be telemarketing for fo../ur weeks prior to the show to
b../uyers reminding them to attend.
Pre-show Promotion will enhance yo../ur participation in any trade
show. Do not ass../ume yo../u do not have the time or money
to do anything other than preparing yo../ur booth and getting yo../ur
prod../uct to the Show. Some promotional programs can be
costly and time intensive, b../ut some are not. We try to
present yo../u with an array of programs that can f../ulfill yo../ur vario../us
needs. Yo../u cannot afford to leave it all to GLM; yo../u will
be more s../uccessf../ul if yo../u get involved too.
Consider implementing any or all of these methods:
- Telemarketing
- Advertising - there are vario../us options:
<../ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;">
- Ind../ustry p../ublications, (see more details below ../under, "P../ublic
- The Official Show Directory, Aside from the free listing
all exhibitors receive in the Show Directory, yo../u
may also choose to place an ad in this year-ro../und reso../urce.
- Direct mail to yo../ur prospect list
- Direct mail to previo../us SOURCES attendees - We will provide
the SOURCES attendee list for a mailing or broadcast email
that promotes yo../ur participation in the Show. Contact
../us for prices and details.
P../ublic Relations/P../ublicity
A good way to gain attention for yo../ur prod../uct is to let the
ind../ustry press know abo../ut yo../u before the Show. Yo../u can
inform the press abo../ut yo../ur company and its prod../ucts by sending
a press kit.
In addition, yo../u sho../uld have a press kit ready for any members
of the press who are interested in obtaining more information
abo../ut yo../ur company, its prod../ucts and sometimes company fo../unders
and/or designers. Have them available in yo../ur booth and
also place them in the SOURCES show office. GLM recommends
that yo../u bring 10-15 press kits to the show office when yo../u arrive. They
will then be made available to all visiting members of the media
to read thro../ugh or take with them.
GLM has written the very easy-to-follow &ldq../uo;G../uide to P../ublic
Relations,&rdq../uo; which shows how to p../ut together a press kit
abo../ut yo../ur company and answers freq../uently asked q../uestions abo../ut
p../ublic relations. To access GLM&rsq../uo;s &ldq../uo;G../uide to
P../ublic Relations&rdq../uo; please go to
Where to send yo../ur Press Release and/or Advertise
The SOURCES Show team is often asked for a list of trade p../ublications
in o../ur ind../ustry. The list below is by no means a complete
list of ind../ustry p../ublications, nor does it represent any endorsement
of p../ublications by the SOURCES team. However, it does incl../ude
a sampling of p../ublications that cover news in the ind../ustry.
Retailers read these p../ublications to find new companies and
prod../ucts and to follow trends.
Domestic US
Gifts & Dec
360 Park Aven../ue So../uth, New York, NY 10010-1710
P../ublished: Monthly
Trade Magazine
Home Accents Today
P.O. Box 2754, High Point NC 27261-2754
P../ublished: Monthly pl../us extra iss../ues in April and October
Trade Magazine
Home Textiles Today
360 Park Aven../ue So../uth New York NY 10010-1710
P../ublished: Bi Weekly
Trade Magazine
7 West 34th Street New York, NY10001
P../ublished: Weekly
Trade Magazine
Giftware News
20 West Kinzie Street, #1200, Chicago, IL 60610
P../ublished: Monthly
Trade Magazine
317 Harrington Ave., Closter, NJ 07624
P../ublished: Monthly
Trade Newsletter
Selling Christmas Decorations
3 Oxford Road, Goshen, NY 10924
P../ublished: 4 times per year
Trade Magazine
So../uvenirs, Gifts & Novelties
112 Androssan Ct., Box 5398, Deptford, NJ 08096
P../ublished: Monthly
Trade Magazine
Marketplace P../ublications Hong Kong
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
Gifts & Accessories India
Global Premi../ums
Global So../urces Premi../ums Gifts & Ho../usewares
HK Prod../ucts
Trade Channel Hong Kong
Trade So../urces
Gifts & Ho../useware
Trade India
Contrary to some reports, the United States is &ldq../uo;import
friendly&rdq../uo; and enco../urages visitors here for to../urism and,
importantly, for b../usiness. It is important to remember in
most cases, however, yo../u will need a visa to apply for entry
into the United States.
It is not complicated if yo../u follow the r../ules and, while not
q../ualified experts, we have tried below to give advice that will
help yo../u.
- Yo../u m../ust apply early. Cons../ular officers know trade shows
set dates well in advance, so a professional b../usiness person
wo../uld not leave it ../until the last min../ute to apply. The later
yo../u apply the less chance yo../u have of being s../uccessf../ul.
- Yo../u m../ust have paid yo../ur f../ull deposit and ret../urned yo../ur signed contract.
- Yo../u will need a letter of introd../uction from ../us to take with
yo../u on yo../ur interview. Note that interviews will last only
a few min../utes, so make s../ure yo../u have yo../ur records ready and
in order.
- It is imperative yo../u show solid reasons why yo../u m../ust
ret../urn to yo../ur co../untry after the show.
- Make s../ure yo../u show records of previo../us visits for b../usiness
abroad to trade shows, b../ut partic../ularly for the U.S.
- Cons../ular officers are ../under no press../ure to grant a visa,
in fact q../uite the opposite. If there is any do../ubt in their
mind, they will ref../use yo../u.
- If ref../used, yo../u can always reapply,
b../ut each time yo../u will need to s../upply more s../upporting information
than at yo../ur previo../us interview.
- Do not attempt to have too many people from the same company
apply for visas. Cons../ular officers know that a 10 ft. x 10
ft. booth is small, and if more than three people apply for
one booth, they will all be rejected as there will be s../uspicion
that a whole family is trying to enter the co../untry.
More Details
It is yo../ur responsibility to ens../ure yo../u
apply for and receive a visa if the United States req../uires
it for entry from yo../ur co../untry.
Apply early at the US Embassy or Cons../ulate
Visa Office, we recommend at least 90-120 days prior to yo../ur
Yo../u may be asked for a personal interview.
Yo../u will need doc../umentation to prove yo../u have a valid reason
to visit the co../untry. This sho../uld incl../ude a copy of yo../ur booth space
contract signed by both parties, and an invoice showing
yo../u have made all yo../ur payments on time.
We can s../upply yo../u with a letter on the show
letterhead confirming yo../ur participation and payment, b../ut we
will need to have received yo../ur f../ull deposit. We will also need to
incl../ude yo../ur f../ull name, company name and address, booth n../umber,
date of birth, sex, title or position in the company, passport
n../umber, date of iss../ue and expiration, the address of the local
US Embassy or Cons../ulate, date of planned arrival, and the n../umber
of days yo../u wish to be in the United States.
A visa does not permit a person to enter the
United States.
A visa indicates a US cons../ular officer
has reviewed an individ../ual&rsq../uo;s application, and the
officer has made a preliminary determination the individ../ual
is eligible to enter the co../untry for a specific p../urpose.
A visa allows a person to travel to the United
States as far as the port of entry, in this case the airport
or the border crossing, and asks the immigration inspector to
allow the person into the co../untry. Only the immigration
officer has the a../uthority to allow a person to enter the co../untry,
and it is he/she who will decide how long the person can stay
for a partic../ular visit.
It is advisable to have details of yo../ur itinerary
for yo../ur trip to show to the immigration officer, especially
if yo../u plan to visit other cities or take a vacation while yo../u
are in the US.
All visa applications are considered individ../ually
on their merits. Each applicant m../ust q../ualify in his or her own
right for a visa whatever the p../urpose of the trip.
There is no entitlement to a US visa and the
Nationality Act says applicants are pres../umed to be ineligible
../unless they can demonstrate otherwise.
There are a n../umber of categories of ineligibility,
incl../uding terrorists, convicted felons, and persons who pose
a health hazard.
The most common gro../unds for ineligibility
are the applicant has failed to show compelling ties to
his or her own co../untry that wo../uld overcome the pres../umption
he or she is planning to become an immigrant and seek to stay
in the US. Proof of family or b../usiness that needs yo../ur
attention may help.
Since the events of September 11th 2001,
visa applications have stayed ../unchanged for the vast majority
of co../untries o../utside of the US. Less than thirty co../untries
have been impacted by any new req../uirements which have extended
the period of applications, appointments, for interviews, review
of applications and the time req../uired for iss../ue of new visas.
and Logistics
Shipping, c../ustoms clearance, setting ../up yo../ur booth, getting
yo../ur freight into the b../uilding, designing yo../ur booth display… the
operations and logistics associated with exhibiting can be intimidating. As
we near the start of the Show, George Little Management&rsq../uo;s
Operations Department will be ready to assist yo../u and answer
any q../uestions abo../ut shipping, booth design, b../uilding r../ules, etc.
GLM has designed a comprehensive man../ual to help yo../u ../understand
the process and proced../ures of exhibiting. Go to the web
site where yo../u will find &ldq../uo;Exhibitor
Set-Up Man../ual&rdq../uo; ../under exhibitor information.
The United States is very &ldq../uo;import friendly&rdq../uo; b../ut
yo../u m../ust make s../ure yo../u follow the r../ules. Make s../ure,
for instance, yo../ur shipping agent can clear US c../ustoms for
yo../u. Many companies say they will b../ut may not be able
Altho../ugh yo../u are not obliged to do so, we strongly recommend
yo../u ../use the companies we have listed in the man../ual as they
are experienced in working with GLM and are available contin../uo../usly
prior to the show and are also ../us../ually on show site.
Booth Display
There are two booth packages available for SOURCES; make s../ure
that yo../u have ordered the one that is best for yo../u. The
package yo../u will be provided with is listed in yo../ur booth contract. It
may not be possible to make a change at the show, and if it is,
yo../u will have to make payment on any extra costs before this
can be done. Please note we do not accept credit cards at
show site, so be s../ure yo../u are clear on yo../ur booth package. We
don&rsq../uo;t want any s../urprises.
Space, minim../um 400 sq../uare feet
Nothing provided, bare floor, no drapes. This
is designed for companies who have their own display
or a gro../up who wants to b../uild their own pavilion. Exhibitors
../using this space option m../ust have a constr../ucted display.
Cost $28.00 per sq../uare foot, $2800 per 10x10 booth.
OPTION 3: F../urnished
Hard walls, carpet, two chairs, table, wastebasket,
fo../ur light fixt../ures and the electricity for these lights, company sign.
Cost $38.00 per sq../uare foot, $3800 per 10x10 booth.
For all options, each corner booth will carry a premi../um of $350.
GLM will pay for yo../ur on site materials handling costs. This
means there will be no extra charges for yo../u for drayage, the
cost of receiving yo../ur freight at show site, yo../ur display components and all
prod../uct samples, taking it to yo../ur booth storing and
ret../urning any empty crates or boxes and loading o../ut at the end
of the show. For f../ull information see the exhibitor set ../up man../ual
../under exhibitor information on the website,
The booth design is entirely ../up to yo../u. This is a creative
ind../ustry, and a lot of exhibitors like to comm../unicate their company
and prod../uct identity thro../ugh their booth display. This
res../ults in a very colorf../ul and energetic Show. Please refer
to the Set-Up Man../ual, however, for information regarding height
and size limitations and flame proofing req../uirements.
Display Tips
GLM has compiled a list of top display tips to help yo../u show
yo../ur prod../ucts effectively. To read o../ur tips, please go
Yo../ur Prod../ucts for Import
We are often asked abo../ut this, b../ut d../ue to the nat../ure of the
b../usiness and the diversity of prod../uct in the market, we have
to leave the answer with yo../u. A good r../ule of th../umb is to
follow yo../ur instincts and know where yo../ur profit margin will
be in setting yo../ur prices for the import market. Remember
yo../u may have to lower yo../ur expectations when dealing with the
larger stores who are b../uying direct in large q../uantities.
Getting Paid
by Yo../ur C../ustomers
Yo../u will set yo../ur terms, or meet the terms of yo../ur c../ustomers. It
is common for a company to expect payment within a certain time
frame after the order has been shipped. With all international
orders we recommend yo../u do not take an order witho../ut opening
a line of credit or first specifying the terms of the sale.
How to Set Minim../um
Minim../um orders are an accepted and common practice in the ind../ustry
in the US. A minim../um order ens../ures a good order for yo../u,
and it also covers the expense of the time and effort it takes
to pack it and ship it after the Show. Some exhibitors
set a minim../um order at a specific dollar point. Other man../ufact../urers
set the minim../um at a specific n../umber of items. These minim../ums
often depend on the prod../ucts and how they are packaged. The
amo../unt of the minim../um is ../up to yo../u. Many exhibitors post
their minim../ums discretely in their booths so that the b../uyers
do not have to ask what the minim../um is, (a pop../ular q../uestion),
before placing an order. Shipping and handling are extra,
and b../uyers expect to pay it.
Yo../u need to be s../ure to set yo../ur agreed place for FOB and be
clear this is agreed and ../understood by both parties. Ask
yo../ur c../ustomer if they have a freight forwarder as they will have
to provide one and it is better for the man../ufact../urer if yo../ur
c../ustomer&rsq../uo;s forwarder collects the goods either at the factory
or at the port of export (FOB Point).
US b../uyers will also be looking for a &ldq../uo;c../ustomer service
policy&rdq../uo; which has been read and agreed. This is ../us../ually
p../ut together by the exhibitor.
Consider what yo../ur policy will be with samples, who pays the
sampling and freight costs and what happens to these costs if
the order is or is not placed.
Promotional Literat../ure
Bring plenty of b../usiness cards and broch../ures. A q../uestion
often asked of the Show team is how many prod../uct broch../ures to
bring to the Show. Altho../ugh we don&rsq../uo;t have a
specific answer to this q../uestion, we do know that there is no
need to overload yo../urself. The SOURCES Show is expected
to attract approximately 10,000-15,000 b../uyers. While these b../uyers tell ../us they
walk every aisle of the Show, they most certainly will not all be
stopping at yo../ur booth – and yo../u wo../uld not have time to
speak to that many people personally in j../ust 4 days. Yo../u
will want to hand o../ut broch../ures to good c../ustomers and c../ustomer
leads whom yo../u meet at the Show. Don&rsq../uo;t let j../ust anyone
help themselves to yo../ur costly piece! Make s../ure yo../u know
who is getting yo../ur prod../uct information, so yo../u can follow-../up
with them after the Show. Get a b../usiness card from anyone
taking yo../ur information. The Show is 8 ho../urs long each
day. Think abo../ut how many people yo../u co../uld realistically
talk to in that amo../unt of time as a g../uide for the maxim../um n../umber
of broch../ures yo../u&rsq../uo;ll personally be able to hand o../ut and
go from there. If yo../u don&rsq../uo;t have a broch../ure, or if
printing one is too pricey, a nice prod../uct information sheet
will work, too. All materials to be distrib../uted to U.S. b../uyers sho../uld be written in English and have $USD pricing.
What to incl../ude in a prod../uct broch../ure or prod../uct information
- Company Name, website address, email address, and all
contact information.
- Booth n../umber at SOURCES (can be handwritten or on a sticker).
- Prod../uct information, incl../uding a photo or description, item
n../umbers and pricing. Most international companies will
have prod../uct information on CD Rom; paper broch../ures are expensive
to prod../uce and mail and also can get easily lost.
- Minim../um order information/first order information
- Re-order minim../ums (sometimes this is a lower price to c../ustomers-in-good-standing)
What else to bring with yo../u
- Company profile and personnel backgro../und and experience
- FOB price sheets with coding (CD-ROM if extensive lines
are available)
- Color vis../uals of prod../uct with coding
- Q../uantity disco../unt information
- Capacity estimates
- Delivery times (incl../uding seasonal problems, rain, snow,
- Payment terms and conditions
- Banking information
- Recommendations on most cost-effective shipping and port
of exit, recommended consolidators, and freight forwarders
- Samples with appropriate pricing
- Photos of prod../uction processes
- Photos of factory or artisan&rsq../uo;s working environment
- Examples of prod../uct labeling (co../untry of origin, care instr../uctions)
Capabilities to have that will help to create good working
- English speaking contact person
- Internal e-mail system with daily access and reliable connection
- Offering the opport../unity to inspect prod../uction on site
- Already established relationships with freight forwarders
and consolidators
- Access to q../uality packing and shipping materials
- Organized and active prod../uction sched../uling and contin../uo../us
- Organized sampling proced../ures for approval and s../ubseq../uent
- Experience creating prototypes and/or samples form design
drawings and specifications sent to yo../u via fax or e-mail
Financial Systems yo../u need to have in place:
- An established bank acco../unt in home co../untry
- Ability to handle letters of credit
- Ability to handle wire transfers
- Access to credit (preferred)
- Transparent acco../unting system
This material was compiled by George Little Management, LLC
with the help of Aid to Artisans, an American NGO with 20 years
of experience in developing small b../usinesses world wide.
B../uyers want to see a company that believes in its prod../uct. It
is great for yo../u to be excited abo../ut yo../ur prod../uct.
Some &ldq../uo;dos and don&rsq../uo;ts&rdq../uo; for US trade shows:
DOs. |
DON&rsq../uo;Ts. |
Make s../ure yo../u have at least one fl../uent English speaker in
the booth at all times. |
Never, Never, Never smoke in yo../ur booth. This is probably
the biggest Don&rsq../uo;t of all. The b../uilding and most p../ublic
areas in the US are no smoking areas. B../uyers will
never come into yo../ur booth if yo../u are smoking. |
Be in yo../ur booth ready to meet potential c../ustomers. |
Stand in yo../ur booth with yo../ur arms crossed.
Be in yo../ur booth before the show opens each morning, so yo../u are ready to greet yo../ur first c../ustomer of the day |
Do not be late for the show. B../uyers become very annoyed if they want to see yo../ur prod../ucts or find o../ut more information, and there is no one in yo../ur booth to help them. |
Be f../ussy with yo../ur prod../uct – arrange and re-arrange
it – paying attention to yo../ur merchandise can call
attention to it, and draw b../uyers to what it is that yo../u
are arranging. |
Sit at the back of yo../ur booth in a corner. |
Make s../ure yo../ur prod../uct prices are listed or q../uoted in US
Dollars. |
Eat in yo../ur booth -- for many international shows this is
acceptable, in the US this is not. |
Have proactive comm../unicators who can solve problems and
pay attention to detailed orders. |
Talk on yo../ur cell phone in yo../ur booth - if yo../u can help
it. Yo../u won&rsq../uo;t attract any b../uyers this way. If
yo../u are on a call while in yo../ur booth and a potential b../uyer
approaches yo../ur booth, end yo../ur call q../uickly so that yo../u
can do b../usiness with this new person! |
Try to have sales personnel who can negotiate and write
orders. |
Leave yo../ur booth ../unattended. If yo../u are alone in yo../ur
booth and have to leave, ask a neighbor if they wo../uld watch
it for yo../u and take b../usiness cards of anyone who stops
by while yo../u are away. |
Talk to the b../uyers, ask q../uestions, and ask what they think
of yo../ur prod../uct. |
Have someone who ../understands the US distrib../ution system
and the difference between selling to importer/wholesaler
and the direct import retailer. |
A Wholesale Market
The SOURCES Show is a tradeshow for the wholesale market. Direct "cash
and carry" sales are not taken, and are against the Show r../ules. Orders
are, of co../urse, to be written, and prod../uct is to be shipped to
yo../ur c../ustomers based ../upon yo../ur agreed-../upon receive by or "ship
by" date.
Man../ufact../urers&rsq../uo; Representatives
A n../umber of man../ufact../urers&rsq../uo; representatives (&ldq../uo;reps&rdq../uo;)
attend The SOURCES Show, as it is their once-a-year opport../unity
to see a myriad of new international prod../uct in the US, as well
as find new exhibitors whose lines they might like to represent. Please
note that some reps wear exhibitor badges, as they are often
called to work in the booths of the companies they represent.
Different reps have different terms for compensation, as well
as excl../usive territory req../uests. Take the opport../unity to
meet with a variety of reps and weigh yo../ur options before finalizing
any agreements.
Seminar Program
The exciting list of Programs and Events for the ../upcoming Show
will be available here. Look for
informative b../usiness b../uilding seminars on Trends, Display, Promotion
and other c../urrent and essential topics for yo../ur b../usiness. We'll
also have details on f../un-filled networking show events and target
Show promotions. So, visit ../us again and book yo../ur tickets while
s../upplies last.
There are many opport../unities to network with colleag../ues, clients,
potential clients and vendors d../uring the market. Try to
take advantage of these opport../unities. Get to know yo../ur
neighbors in the aisle – ask them q../uestions. If yo../u
have assistance in yo../ur booth, look at the seminar programs and
see if there is a topic that interests yo../u.
other markets to grow yo../ur b../usiness
So../urces LA is co-located with the California Gift Show® --
one of the largest, most prestigio../us gift ind../ustry events in
the U.S., bringing in more than 27,000 attendees.
Yo../ur exhibitor badge at the SOURCES Show offers yo../u free access
to this show. Plan to visit it to gain a wider perspective,
and to possibly forge new relationships with vendors who
can help yo../u p../ut it all together.
Show Close
When the show closes at 4PM on the last day, the bright hall lights will be dimmed and b../uyers will
be leaving the Show floor. At 4PM, yo../u may
begin packing ../up yo../ur booth. If yo../u have stored crates
and boxes, these will be ret../urned to yo../u d../uring the move-o../ut
time period. This process will take several ho../urs. Be s../ure
to cons../ult yo../ur move-o../ut b../ulletin (distrib../uted on-site) for
more information.
Important! Before yo../u pack ../up & leave
If yo../u are not hand-carrying yo../ur prod../ucts o../ut, be s../ure to do
the following:
Contact yo../ur desired fright carrier to make arrangements for
yo../ur o../utbo../und shipments. (This sho../uld be done well in advance
of the close of the Show.)
Label yo../ur crates and cartons for shipping.
Compete the Material Handling Agreement, (sometimes called Bill
of Lading), which is available at the Freeman Service Desk. Be
s../ure to ret../urn the completed form to the Freeman Service Desk,
so that yo../ur freight is shipped per yo../ur directions.
Many b../uyers do not place orders ../until after the Show, when they have time to
foc../us on their store&rsq../uo;s needs. Set some time aside
a co../uple of weeks after the Show to reach all the b../uyers who
were interested in yo../ur prod../uct, b../ut did not place orders. Yo../u
may find they&rsq../uo;re ready to do b../usiness. Many exhibitors
tell ../us that they receive more orders after the Show than they
did d../uring the Show. Post-show follow-../up is critical to
yo../ur s../uccess.
After the Show is also a good time to to../uch base with new c../ustomers. A
friendly call to ens../ure that a shipment from yo../u was received
or to see how the prod../uct is performing will be m../uch appreciated,
and will go a long way to solidifying yo../ur new b../usiness relationship.
Importers and distrib../utors will not necessarily concl../ude deals
at the show and yo../u m../ust plan to follow ../up with them over a period
of time to finalize yo../ur contracts.
As with all international b../usiness, email addresses are most
We want yo../ur feedback!
The SOURCES Show Team is interested in hearing abo../ut yo../ur exhibiting
experience. We try to speak with exhibitors on-site, b../ut
as yo../u can imagine, speaking to everyone is nearly impossible. Feel
free to call ../us or email ../us after the Show to tell ../us abo../ut it.
We look forward to yo../ur participation. Have
a great Show!